I was married for 12 years, after my divorce I struggled with the notion of to stop having sex. I have had a couple of relationships over the years but nothing that connected with me and the persons just sexual. God reminded me long time ago that I was so desperate for a man that they would come and I would not be satisfied. He told me to wait; but always yielding to my flesh I was disobedient and did what I want. Long story short, after every heartbreak my hard headed self finally told God okay, I’m done doing it my way and trying to take short cuts. I erased every number in my phone, blocked number, blocked on social media every man that fed to my flesh. Some nights are very hard for me. I have been reading Torree Boyd’s post and I know for a fact that she was married and now living a victorious life. This has encouraged me to no end. She is standing strong and I love that she does not baby feed you. Her words convict you to get it right. I am encouraged that by me saying yes to GOD! He will see me through this and shall have the man GOD sent because I honored him. I thank God for Torree the Godly example that can help me become free and have NO MORE SHAME!!!